Due to the health emergency that is currently occurring due to the COVID- 19 Pandemic, it is necessary to implement spaces to meet the needs and care of people infected by this virus.
For this reason, T-TRIX, VELMAT ARPA Medical and Insignia Family Office, joined forces and together they are providing a solution to attend hospital emergencies in the world. Mobile hospitals cover all essential medical services, providing comprehensive care in places of critical condition where an immediate response to the medical and care needs of the population is required.
The mobile modules are designed to be quickly assembled and put into service in the shortest possible time at the place where it is required.

1. Reception Module - TRIAGE
2. Clinical Laboratory Module
3. Imaging and Diagnosis Module
4. Pre-surgical Module
5. Hospitalization Module
6. Surgery Module
7. Sterilization Module
8. Medical Supplies Module
9. Technical Support Module