The vision is to be the leading company on immigration issues, which provides security, confidence and real solutions for the immigrant population.
Immigrants arrive in the US with a dream, often persecuted or escaping from countries that are in political or economic chaos. Migracion SOS wants these immigrants to be able to see their dreams come through, legally in America. In this sense, our mission is to become a company that gives them confidence and support in their lifetime in this country.
A marketplace that connects immigrants with qualified lawyers. SOS migration through a web or telephone screening recognizes the needs of the immigrant and connects them with lawyers of the specialty that the user requires to solve his immigration status. The user receives 4 alternatives to choose the one that suits him best.
Millions of immigrants and their families need information and immediate legal assistance to resolve their immigration status and avoid devastating consequences in their future lives.
-Migracion SOS is a marketplace that connects Immigration Lawyers with immigrants so they can resolve their immigration status.
-Migracion SOS gives immigrants the possibility to find information in a expedite, secure and intuitive way from reliable sources and provides access to lawyers immediately with a clear and transparent processes.
There are different groups of immigrants in the USA.
There are more than 40 million foreign-born residents living in the United States. This represents 13.5% of the total population.
Of this total in 2017, 10.5 million are undocumented, A) those who entered illegally (6-7 million), B) Visa Overstay (4-5.5 million).
Each year, half a million illegal immigrants enter the country: 6.1 million are men, 5.3 million are women,1.5 million are children.
In Migracion SOS, our main objective is to provide immigrants with tools to have a better life in the United States. Following this vision, the success of the company beyond the economic will be measured on the number of visits and engagement we have in our articles, videos and information in general. In addition, we will be monitoring the impact on immigrants in the use of our services like health (free) education, financing among others.
-Free consultation with a lawyer (after online screening).
-Discount on Legal Representation of the immigrant case.
-Trustworthy and reliable lawyers' network.
-Immigrants News.
-On-Line screening
-24/7 telemedicine service for immigrants. Doctors in the USA can prescribe medication at the nearest pharmacy.
Once the immigrant and a legal match are done MIGRACION SOS objective is also to provide others solutions to this segment needs:
-Other Health Services
-Financial aid.
-Communication between customers and their families of origin.